Since writing the book, and internal playtesting, has now begun in earnest I thought it’d be a good idea to also try to communicate a little bit more, and more frequently, on social media. I’ll try to have something for you at least biweekly from now on – no promises, just an ambition. I’m not a full-time rpg author I’m afraid, and sometimes Real Life™ life gets in the way. But without further ado, here’s a bit of a baseline – this is where the project’s at:
– Disclaimer: Everything I write and design is of course subject to change, so anything you read in these updates is preliminary.
– Playtesting: The character creation system, including a lifepath system, has now been playtested twice. Once with some dear old friends of mine, and once with a group of semi-strangers that happened to be in the right Discord channel at the same time. So far, so good – the base game will (like 1/2e) only support the creation of freelancers, but there’s been a pretty exciting spread of different characters with a lot of variation on that theme. The lifepath system – generating the character’s “chronicle” (see what I did there?) – has been a lot of fun and has led to some real dystopian-but-fun storytelling. The image accompanying this post is from one of the playtest sessions.
– Writing: The texts on all the Big Five megacorps now have a completed first draft, as does the more broad “Luna City in general” text. Next up, for me, is the Brotherhood and then a bit about the conflicts and relations between the megacorps. My goal is to provide enough conflicts and interesting tidbits for GMs to grab hold of when building scenarios, but still keep it kind of short and sweet. This is not a maximalist game; lots of established details from earlier editions will either have to wait until future supplements or simply be left for the GM to import on their own.
So… that’s about the gist of it. I’ll try to keep on top of the comments here (barring previously-mentioned Real Life™) and answer questions as well as I can.
Mikael Bergström