They’ve got skulls on them
- By Mikael Bergström |
- In Devlog |
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- Tagged with backdated |
- On 7 Sep | '2024
Time for an update!

(Give me a like if you get the reference )
– First draft of the book is so close to being done I can taste it. I’m in the final stretch of the final chapter, and I don’t think I’ll need more than a few pages to cover what I want to say. This means soon there’s a complete draft to show people, and when the Kickstarter gets off the ground I’ll be able to say “there’ll probably be delays, there often are, but at least the text is already done!”
It feels pretty great. We’ll see how much of it survives the process of revisions etc, but at least it’ll be *something*
– I’ve said this in a couple of different contexts by now but I think it bears repeating: There will be no AI-generated content in this project. I don’t personally consider generative AI to be an ethical technology and I don’t like what it’s doing to the ability of people to work as artists and illustrators. I won’t get too much up on my soapbox here, but suffice it to say there’ll be a zero tolerance policy for AI slop in official Luna City Blues products. I’d rather publish the book completely without illustrations than use something made by AI.
– Still no dev blog or much of a presence on other platforms, sorry. Been a bit swamped with other stuff. But I’m still planning on it.